How To Create Robots txt Google File For Website

Robots txt  Today i am writing about the Robots txt Google  as you know that last time i published a post about the How To Submit Blog /Website To Google Search Engine , some of my website viewers comment about to make a guide about How To Create Robots txt Google . So i make a simple and easy post about in which i explain you all about How To Create Robots txt Google File For  Website.

How To Create Robots txt Google File For A Website ?

Friends I have told you many time in this website. That make your blogger SEO friendly if you follow my last tutorial Like Submitting Sitemap to Google or Verifying your Website to Google .After that another work is also important for your website / Blog that is called Robot Txt File ( robot.txt ) Google search engine is a robot when you do a post the robot is search your website to add it to Google database that way if you want to drive people from search engine you must add this tag in your website .But the question what is robot.text and from where you can Get. So Don’t worry I m cayyring for you simple Procedure and robot.text file from here you can get the tag and add It to your website to ready it for Google search Engine . after adding this tag with your blog you can also check .Is this tag working are not .here I m going to show the simple procedure to check it also .
Robots txt Google

OK Friend's let’s start >>

As you know last time I was told you about adding your website or blog to Google if you have not read that post then click here because .Submitting your website to Google is very must and Submitting your website or blog sitemap.
That is Robot.text File which is given Below .Copy this Tag from here but remember add your website in this tag . Replace your website

you can copy this tag from here 

User-agent: Mediapartners-Google 
User-agent: * 
Disallow: /search 
Allow: / 
End of the tag

But Remember That
You will must replace your website 

Now the Procedure of Add Robot txt Google  File.

First of all Login to your Blogger dashboard and Go > Setting >search preference  a new page will open like given below select '' Edit option from of Custom robots.txt '' and add the upper code here .
How To Create Robots txt Google

Now how can you check the Robots txt Google is this working are not

After adding this tag and pasting or typing your website or bog follow these step to check it
first open your default browser and
open your website like that

This page will open if this is  open you are done it rightly But this is not appear then you must do it again other wise if you add it wrongly then robot will not working i mean search engine will not search any quires in your website . if you face any problem or you can't add it then take help from us we will do for you send us we will add it in your blog rightly .
Robots txt Google

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Also read these post to make your blogger attractive and seo friendly

If you face any problem Related with this tutorial Robots txt Google or another problem in your Blog then contact us or comment us  we will help you as soon as soon is possible .and if this information is helpful for you then send us your opinion we want to know your opinions.Thank your

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